IWG Summary: Project GUTS Professional Development Network

Designing an Online Professional Development Network for Project GUTS :
Report Only (PDF) | Appendices Only (PDF)

The goal of the IWG was to design the online professional development network that was capable of supporting and nurturing teachers to become computationally enabled STEM teachers confident and practiced in implementing computational science curricula and developing the expertise of our community such that members of the community can help each other.

The IWG was focused on answering a set of four guiding questions:

  1. What are the specific needs of teachers who act as club leaders that are not met through teacher professional development workshops?
  2. How might these needs be met with an online network and Web 2.0 tools?
  3. Which existing tools/platforms fit the needs, capabilities, and technology access of teachers?
  4. Which user interface design elements or metaphors will provide teachers with quick access and ease of use of materials and functions on the network?

VCNP Science & Education Center
February 9-12, 2012

Activity Lead: Irene Lee
Santa Fe Institute & Project GUTS

Photo of Location