"Degrees of Change: New Mexico's Climate Forecast"

NM EPSCoR funded the design, fabrication, and installation of a new exhibit focusing on climate change in New Mexico called “Degrees of Change: New Mexico’s Climate Forecast.” Jessica Sapunar-Jursich, Director of Education at the Museum, spearheads the project with Dr. Dave Gutzler as the EPSCoR-funded guest curator on the project. Dr. Gutzler is a climatologist faculty member with the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of New Mexico. A central feature is a global representation of climate data using a Global Imagination "Magic Planet". Data and discoveries from NM EPSCoR scientists contribute to data in a New Mexico SIM table, which displays current climate conditions of New Mexico and can predict future changes based on several variables, such as a change in global temperature. A portion of the exhibit also addresses regional climate change impacts from the perspectives of local land users.
Read the UNM News article about the exhibit here.
Degrees of Change Opening and Science Expo
The Museum held a Climate Change Expo on Saturday, May 21st. Various environmental and climate education groups participated with presentations and activities, including NM EPSCoR, The Nature Conservancy, and Climate Masters. The Expo served as an event not only to celebrate the opening of “Degrees of Change”, but also for climate education as a whole.
The Sandia Mountain Natural History Center
The Sandia Mountain Natural History Center (a partnership between NMMNHS & APS) is an environmental education center located in the Sandia Mountains just east of Albuquerque on a beautiful 128-acre piece of pinon-juniper forest. Since 1967 the center has been teaching the students of New Mexico about the environment and how to preserve it. The primary mission of the center and its staff is to educate the citizens of New Mexico about ecology, ecosystems, the environment and conservation. Through NM EPSCoR’s partnership with the NMMNHS, tours provide information about climate change impacts on the ecosystem, and funding has been provided to the SMNHC for extra staff to give tours to school groups interested in the Ecology Field Programs. For more information, visit the SMNHC website.
Museum Outreach Events
BioBlitz: Natural Discovery and Citizen Science
BioBlitz is held every year and is dedicated to natural discovery and citizen science. Bilingual activities go on through the event, and nature and Biology experts lead walks to explore the middle Rio Grande ecosystem with an emphasis placed on linking current and predicted climate change impacts on species and ecosystems. BioBlitz 2012 will be held at the Sandia Mountain Natural History Center.
Earth Hour Extravaganza
Each year the Museum holds an event for Earth Hour, a worldwide event where millions of people switch off their lights for one hour to raise awareness about global climate change. Earth Hour 2012 will take place on Saturday, March 31, 2012. For more information on Earth Hour 2012, please visit EarthHour.org.
Science and Technology Day at the New Mexico State Fair
The New Mexico State Fair is held every year in September, and for one day the Fair features "Science and Technology Day". The Museum participates by providing a booth with activities and information for the public about climate science, geology, biology, and paleontology. Information about the 2010 Science and Technology Day can be found here.
For More Information
For more information on education activities and outreach offered by NMMNHS, please contact Chris Sanchez, Reservations Coordinator at the museum.
Check out the other events currently scheduled at the NM Museum of Natural History and Science: http://www.nmnaturalhistory.org