Acequia Research: Impacts

Cyber Globe
  • Developed and field tested a survey of Acequia Functionality as a tool for self-assessments by acequia officers and youth to monitor and improve the physical, ecological, and governance capacity of acequias in times of climate variability and other stressors in the environment

  • Developed collaborations with acequia associations through informal interactions and participation in community meetings

  • An Innovation Working Group (IWG) that focused on the role of acequias in moderating climate impacts was held in September, 2009

    • This led to a proposal to the National Science Foundation, Acequia Water Systems Linking Culture and Nature: Integrated Analysis of Community Resilience to Climate
      and Land Use Changes
      , which resulted in a $1.4 million,
      5 year award to further study the role of these
      traditional water management systems.

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