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Reported August 2012:

Continued development of the NM EPSCoR data portal as an operational element within the broader NM EPSCoR portal, based upon an underlying, custom developed geospatial data and information management and delivery platform.
Continued to evolve systems for automated processing of the existing FGDC XML metadata records in the portal into corresponding valid ISO metadata, and development of template-based metadata creation tools for bulk metadata creation in support of researcher data integration into the EPSCoR Data portal.
Developed a system for the automated retrieval of new SNOTEL and SCAN data from the NRCS web site for New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and Idaho.
Significantly improved computer hardware capacity through the addition of the UNM Research Storage Consortium storage system (a 280 TB tiered storage system) to the pool of available storage capacity.
View the 2011 Activities & Accomplishments