RII 4 Planning: Education, Outreach and Workforce Development

- Lead Authors: Dr. Mel Strong (UNM/SEIS), Dr. Matthew Nyman (UNM/SEIS)
Collaborative Proposal: Science Inquiry with Visualizations and Interactive Technologies (SIVIT)
- Lead Authors: David Beining (UNM ARTS Lab), Tim Castillo (UNM ARTS Lab), Allison Hagerman, PhD (UNM ARTS Lab), Vanessa Svihla, PhD (UNM)
K-12 Educational Program (REVISED)
- Lead Authors: Bob Parmenter (VCNP), Irene Lee (SFI), Dave Simon (Eco Think)
- Version 1
- Lead Author: Kurt Steinhaus (LANL)
REU Geothermal Outreach Activity: Geothermal Exploration on the Navajo Nation & Greater New Mexico
- Lead Authors: Mark Person (NMT), Shari Kelly (NMT), Glenn Spinelli (NMT), Mike Pullin (NMT)
Computational Modeling of Complex Systems
- Lead Authors: Irene Lee (SFI), John Paul Gonzales (SFI), Amy Tapia (SNL)
Public Energy-Water-Environment and STEM Issues Poster Sessions/Symposia for K-20+
- Lead Author: Robert Long (ENMU)
Involving NM EPSCoR Supported Graduate Students as Mentors for NM State Science Fair Participants
- Lead Author: Michael Heagy (NMT)
- Lead Author: Michael Heagy (NMT)
Computational Thinking: Linking Education Pathways to Workforce Needs
- Lead Authors: Irene Lee (SFI), David Kratzer (LANL), Lori Liebrock (NMT), Nadine Miner (SNL), Joyce Malyn-Smith (EDC, Inc.)
- Lead Authors: Terri Hansen (SC2/NMSU), Becky Kerr (BOEP)
- Lead Author: Juchao Yan (ENMU)
Creating a STEM Innovative Teaching and Learning Center at New Mexico Highlands University
- Lead Authors: Elizabeth Ratzlaff (NMHU), Edward A. Martinez (NMHU)
Creating a Supportive Educational Environment Through Professional Development
- Lead Author: Edward A. Martinez (NMHU)
Promoting Data Literacy for Secondary Students and Their Teachers
- Lead Author: Vince Case (APS/SMNHC)
Proposed Graduate Student Externship Exchange Among New Mexico’s Research Universities
- Lead Authors: Rebecca Bixby (UNM), Wiebke Boeing (NMSU), and David Hanson (UNM)
- Lead Author: Dr. Nader Vadiee (SIPI)
- Lead Authors: Dr. James Biggs (NNMC), Dr. Sam Fernald (NMSU), Dr. Edward Martinez (NMHU), Dr. Steve Guldan (NMSU)
Water, Energy, and Environment Outreach Work Session (Multiple Papers - Click for full PDF)
- Individual Papers:
- Creating a Statewide Informal Science Education Network to Develop Institutional Capacity and Public Programs Focusing on EPSCoR Research on the Energy-Water-Environment Nexus
- Lead Author: Charles H. Walter (NMMNHS)
- Outreach Resources Inventory
- Lead Author: Eileen Everett (SFWA)
- Communications Portal & Platform
- Lead Author: Karl Benedict (EDAC-UNM)
- Methods for Local Involvement & Delivery of Content Through Local Demonstration Plots & Wikis
- Lead Authors: Carlos Ochoa (NMSU), Ramesh Shakamuri (NMT)
- Creating a Statewide Informal Science Education Network to Develop Institutional Capacity and Public Programs Focusing on EPSCoR Research on the Energy-Water-Environment Nexus
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