Award-Winning Program Partners with New Mexico EPSCoR
REPORT: Diné Instructor Establishes Unique Learning Environment for Internet Class Participants on Navajo Nation; Click here for the PDF.
New Mexico EPSCoR has partnered with the Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship (GCCE) to bring the award-winning Fast Forward New Mexico program to three New Mexico communities. The Fast Forward New Mexico (FFNM) program is a natural complement to EPSCoR’s Community and Education Programs, which promote cyberinfrastructure development and public engagement in digital resources. FFNM, a partnership of the State Library of New Mexico, UNM, and GCCE, provides 64 hours of free digital literacy training to the public.

GCCE, a lead partner in FFNM, is a 501c(3) organization that cultivates thought leadership and advocacy to foster an environment in which cultural entrepreneurs can successfully scale their cultural enterprises. GCCE developed the award-winning hands-on Small Business Success training modules that focus on increasing the profitability of artists, small businesses, and cultural entrepreneurs. The EPSCoR support will expand GCCE’s training and market linkage programs in Silver City, Crownpoint, and Española. The courses combine expertise in business, marketing, and tourism with topics including e-commerce, e-marketing and using social media to network and sell products.
The curriculum was honored at the 2011 Rural Economic Development Forum in a category that honors websites or interactive services used to promote business development opportunities.
“Our curriculum offers small business success training for people building cultural enterprises, but it is useful to any business owner,” said Alice Loy, FFNM Instructor and Director of Programs for GCCE. Courses are delivered in community centers and public libraries -- often the only places in a rural community to provide public access to computers and the Internet. Hosting the training presents an opportunity for libraries to spotlight its objectives and services.
Class demand has exceeded capacity in every location to date and there have been more than 3000 class completions statewide.
Fast Forward New Mexico is funded with a $1.5 million grant awarded to the New Mexico State Library by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Dept. of Commerce. The Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship, and UNM.
For more information, and for a schedule of upcoming classes, please visit the Fast Forward New Mexico website.