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Reported August 2012:
Eight new SCAN-type stations are prepped for installation in summer 2012; stations installed in Year 3 are generating data available through the NRCS.
Continued to work on optimizing the parameters for the Snowmelt Runoff Model in 24 sub-basins of the Upper Rio Grande.
Developed new software tools for analyzing the links between large-scale flow and atmospheric hydrological process.
Developed models for small-scale (1-100 m) hyporheic exchange and larger scale (1-100 km) basin flows, and models demonstrated for dynamic flows ranging from individual storm events up to seasonal, decadal, and longer time scales.
Isotopic and aqueous geochemical data from precipitation, stream flow, springs and wells has been assembled and analyzed to help diagnosis flow paths and residence times in selected watersheds.
In the image above, New Mexico Tech students test out equipment near the Rio Hondo.
View the 2011 Activities & Accomplishments