Report (PDF): Building resilience in water governance: an interdisciplinary investigation into the social-ecological system dynamics of climate change
The IWG brought together researchers from different institutional (University of New Mexico, University of Idaho, University of Nevada, Bureau of Reclamation) and disciplinary backgrounds to participate in the development of an interdisciplinary research agenda for investigating resilience-based water governance in the face of climate challenges. Specifically, the group focused on assessing the capacity of existing legal and institutional frameworks to foster resilience in the Columbia and Rio Grande watersheds, two social ecological systems (SESs) at the core of the NSF EPSCoR Western Consortium research efforts.
The IWG was intended as a first step in establishing an ongoing cross-jurisdictional, interdisciplinary research effort and the achievement of outcomes set out in the initial project proposal:
- Research proposal to the NSF Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems program;
- Larger law-focused NSF EPSCoR workshop;
- Special session at Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) annual meeting in June 2013; and
- ‘Policy Analysis’ article for submission to the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, the AESS’ interdisciplinary journal.
Synergia Ranch
Santa Fe, NM
January 10-14, 2013
Activity Lead: Melinda Harm Benson
University of New Mexico