IWG Summary: Exploration of Environmental Change
Report (PDF): Ecological and Genomic Exploration of Environmental Change: Assessing a Century of Climate Change Adaptation
Agricultural conversion, urban encroachment, landscape fragmentation and species invasions have eroded global biodiversity. Understanding the patterns and mechanisms involved that have and will alter biodiversity is thus paramount to developing strategies for mitigating current and future losses and the attendant ecological and socioeconomic costs.
The purpose of this IWG is to design a study that will produce a ‘white paper’ suitable for submission to NSF as a pre-proposal or as a draft proposal for a resource agency, and to develop a manuscript that will be a ‘how to’ guide to conduct a resurvey effort.
This effort will:
- take advantage of existing natural history collections,
- contribute to existing collections,
- extend the model of what natural history collections encompass,
- advance our knowledge of global change effects (e.g., climate change, urbanization, habitat conversion),
- offer conservation and management strategies for global change mitigation, and
- pull together knowledge gaps, methodology and future directions.”
Ladder Ranch
Hillsboro, NM
March 25-28, 2013
Activity Lead: Dr. Gary Roemer
New Mexico State University