IWG Summary: Using Climate Data in the Classroom

Report (PDF): Using Climate Data in the Classroom

The "Using Climate Data in the Classroom" Innovation Working Group was convened June 5-8, 2011 at the Valles Caldera Science and Education Center to investigate various aspects of using climate data in K-12 science classrooms.

IWG participants represented a broad spectrum of professionals interested in addressing data and climate literacy for students at all levels. Participants included a leading climate scientist, hydrologist, IHE faculty, most of who are involved with teacher preparation, a computer science professor who works on visualization and issues related to data dissemination, middle and high school science teachers, and earth science and computer science graduate students.

June 5-8, 2011

Matthew Nyman
SEIS/Natural Sciences Program, University of New Mexico

Amy Ellwein
Digital RMBL
Science Education Institute of the Southwest

Selena Connealy
Science Education Institute of the Southwest

Photo of Group

Photo of People Working