The purpose of the Town Hall was to explore the state’s policies and practices in reducing, responding to, and recovering from severe wildfires. Participants worked together to create real recommendations for fire prevention, education, and legislation. The Town Hall took place June 5-6, 2012 at the Hyatt in Downtown Albuquerque. Facilitated by New Mexico First in a partnership with New Mexico EPSCoR, the event brought in 90 participants, plus several more observers, primarily from northern and central regions of New Mexico. Scientists, journalists, researchers, educators, environmentalists, public & government officials, students, and business people from urban, rural, and tribal communities worked together to discuss the problems New Mexico faces with regards to drought, water, and forest fires.

New Mexico EPSCoR was well represented at the Town Hall. The NM EPSCoR staff worked hard to make sure the event ran smoothly. Dr. Robert Parmenter of the Valles Caldera National Preserve was the keynote speaker, and Dr. Janie Chermak and Dr. Cliff Dahm were panelists during the roundtable discussion along with State Engineer Scott Verhines. Tim Adeylott also previewed his upcoming PBS documentary, Valles Caldera: The Science for the crowd.
After working in small groups and discussing the issues as a whole, participants produced a platform of 19 recommendations, 17 of which garnered support from at least 80% of the participants. The recommendations include:
- Create and implement a water source protection plan;
- Restore and support small-scale wood product industries;
- Educate the public about wildfire effects and mitigation; and
- Promote strategies to reduce fire risk at wildland-urban interface.
Both the background report and the final report with all 19 recommendations can be downloaded in PDF form below. The next step is for the newly formed Implementation Team to advance the priorities set forth in the town hall. This process is ongoing, and is chaired by New Mexico EPSCoR Associate Director Mary Jo Daniel. For more information on the Town Hall, or if you would like to join the implementation team, please contact Natalie at or 505-814-7500 x.8111.