Socioeconomics: Current Activities & Accomplishments

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Current Activities (August 2011)

  • Connected economic modeling component (econometrically estimated residential demand) for the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority into the Systems Dynamics model for the Middle Rio Grande

  • Conducted annual, 45-year simulations to model impact on water consumption, the physical system, and on meeting compact requirements. Base scenarios include:

    • differing population growth (based on projections),
    • conservation incentives; pricing and education,
    • climate (1950s style drought)

  • Developed a macroeconomic modeling application, which allows an aggregate change in the composition of economic activity

    • This in turn can impact water use in commercial, industrial, residential, and institutional uses through impacts on population

  • Developing benefit-transfer module to transfer the econometrically estimated demand functions to Rio Rancho

    • This will allow for coverage of approximately 80% of the current metropolitan area population.

Impacts of Research

  • Documented the concerns and problems with the flow sharing agreement at Rio Hondo Valley

    • Resulted in a joint committee of mayordomos (water managers) to conduct field inspections and to revise the operations manual for sharing water equitably in times of shortages in accordance with customs and traditions

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