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2012 Activities & Accomplishments
Conducted a detailed assessment of the effects of the Las Conchas fire on water quality in study area.
In collaboration with hydrology group, continued studies of meander site at Valles Caldera National Preserve.
Completed development of an on-site water quality trailer, which was installed on the East Fork of the Jemez River in June 2012.
Purchasing and installing additional equipment (pressure transducers)
Continuing site activities in the Jemez and Hondo watersheds
Documenting Las Conchas forest fire effects on water quality and expanding the water quality network to look at downstream effects on the Jemez River and Rio Grande
Making numerous presentation of science results at multiple science meetings (Geological Society of America, Society for Freshwater Science, National EPSCoR, Tri-State EPSCoR, Annual NM EPSCoR)
Collaborative research with the Hydrology and Social Science teams

In the image above, New Mexico Tech & UROP students install water quality equipment outside the trailer.
Impacts of Research (2011)
Developed interdisciplinary and multi-institution collaborative projects and training/outreach activities focused on the dynamics of stream water chemistry and hydrology
Provided long term field “lab” availability for interdisciplinary field campaigns
2 post docs, 3 doctoral, 5 MS,& numerous undergrads working at VCNP
View the 2011 Activities & Accomplishments