Airfare will be arranged using Rio Grande Travel Agency (505-768-7979). Payment for airfare will be handled directly by the NM EPSCoR Office. Once you receive approval to attend the meeting from the NM EPSCoR Office (see Registration below), you will contact Rio Grande Travel to make plane reservations. We may recommend certain flights in order to arrange efficient transportation to the meeting location. Flight arrangements should be made as soon as possible and not later than March 14 to avoid increased travel costs.
The NM EPSCoR Office will make your hotel reservation at the Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe based on the arrival and departure dates you indicate. Graduate students will be asked to share a room and will be asked to indicate roommate preference on form.
Transporation to the Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe:
The NM EPSCoR Office (based on flight itineraries) will confirm a shuttle for transport to and from the meeting location. Rental cars will not be reimbursed.
Upon completion of the meeting, you may submit a reimbursement form to the NM EPSCoR Office to claim meal per diem for travel days and dinner during the conference (breakfast and lunch are provided at the meeting). Reimbursement Form
Meeting Registration:
You MUST use the Registration Form on this website to register. Upon completion, the NM EPSCoR Office will finalize your meeting registration, reserve your hotel, and send you a confirmation notice, allowing you to book your airfare with Rio Grande Travel.
Logistics Information  |  Registration Form  |  Agenda/Sessions Pdf  |  Reimbursement Form  |  Contact Us