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NM EPSCoR researchers from the University of New Mexico, New Mexico Tech, and New Mexico Highlands University collaborate in studying climate change impacts on the water chemistry of mountain sources of water, especially the chemical constituents of streams that are important for both ecosystem and human health. NM EPSCoR researchers are deploying state-of-the-art, near-real-time, autonomous water quality in-stream sensors for monitoring the quality of surface water in the river basins selected as study areas.
NM EPSCoR has also invested in developing laboratory-based water quality instruments which serve as models for instruments which can be deployed in the field for long-term monitoring of water chemistry. The aquatic chemistry lab at NM Highlands University has been upgraded significantly as a result of NM EPSCoR investments, providing enhanced opportunities for NMHU students to gain experience in chemical analysis and contribute to research projects in the field.
Water quality researchers are now collaborating with hydrologists using data from co-located hydrology sensors and the water quality sensors to understand the controls on water quality in each watershed.
NM EPSCoR Water Quality Participants: