Please view the full Planning Meetings for the New Mexico NSF EPSCoR Track 1 Proposal (PDF).

New Mexico EPSCoR is now beginning the planning process for its next proposal that will focus on the nexus of energy-‐water-‐environment. New Mexico’s EPSCoR State Committee chose this focus area since it is central to science, education and economic development in the state and because it is one of the five priority areas in New Mexico’s Science and Technology Plan—a key requirement of NSF EPSCoR.
The Proposal Development Process
View the proposal timeline (draft) in PDF form: Track 1 MilestonesObjectives of the three meetings are to provide guidance to the New
Mexico EPSCoR Office about the research, education, and outreach activities that would be encompassed within a competitive NSF-‐EPSCoR proposal. Following the three workshops, a Proposal Steering Committee will be created that includes diverse
representation from New Mexico’s universities and colleges and that includes experts from the science, cyberinfrastructure, and
education and outreach foci. The Proposal Steering Committee will contribute to proposal development that will occur through October 2012. It is anticipated that several small workshops will be held throughout 2012 that focus on developing specific portions of the proposal. Two external review teams will evaluate the developing New Mexico EPSCoR proposal and assist in specifying what is included in the final proposal that is sent to the National Science Foundation by the New Mexico EPSCoR Project Director. Presently, we anticipate that proposals will be submitted in November 2012.
Participant List
White Papers
Meetings & Meeting Materials
Meeting 1: Fundamental Scientific Questions
Monday September 19 (10 am – 3 pm) at New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM.
MEETING MATERIALS:Meeting 2: Research Infrastructure & Cyberinfrastructure
Friday October 21 (10 am – 3 pm) at the Science and Technology Park, Albuquerque, NM.
MEETING MATERIALS:Meeting 3: Education & Outreach Activities
Monday November 21 (10 am – 3 pm) at the UNM Continuing Education Building, Albuquerque, NM.