NM EPSCoR seeks out and welcomes people with diverse backgrounds to join in all project activities and provides an inclusive environment where ideas are freely exchanged, cultures and traditions are respected, and personal and professional growth is encouraged. NM EPSCoR strives to enhance diversity in all elements of the EPSCoR program, and to contribute to increased participation of members of underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

A focus on diversity is woven throughout the NM EPSCoR program; a Diversity Leadership Team develops and monitors activities to support the strategic objective of enhancing diversity across the project. The K-12 Summer Teacher Institute targets teachers in rural communities with high minority student populations. The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program recruits underrepresented minority students to work with faculty and graduate students on research activities. The Infrastructure Seed Grants provide additional research opportunities to regional and tribal non-PhD granting academic institutions. Innovation Working Groups have been formed to consider new strategies and opportunities to increase diversity in STEM fields both in NM and across the Western Tri-State Consoritum. Read the Tri-State Diversity Plan for more information. The C2 award supports increased broadband access for rural Hispanic and Native American communities.
Diversity Best Practices Guide
This draft plan provides recommendations and approaches for increasing the participation of women and underrepresented minorities on the faculty of New Mexico research universities. The plan has been reviewed by the EPSCoR State Committee and will be presented to the Council of University Presidents at an upcoming meeting.
Best Practices Guide