IWGs support multi-day working group activities that are modeled after those held at the highly successful NSF-funded National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS). An IWG supports 8-12 scientists or educators to work collaboratively on complex and challenging issues through integration and synthesis of data, information, and knowledge. At least one IWG each year will focus on education, communication and outreach, or diversity. Anticipated outcomes of the IWGs include synthesis papers and proposals that target NSF cross-cutting programs.
Call for Proposals
- New Mexico EPSCoR Working Group Call for Proposals and Submission Information - UPDATED -- DUE MARCH 15, 2013
IWG Reports
| = Tri-state IWGs | | = New Mexico IWGs |
- June 2013: Connections Linking Hydrology, Biogeochemistry, and Biological Responses in Headwater Montane Streams, Rebecca Bixby (University of New Mexico)
- March 2013: Ecological and Genomic Exploration of Environmental Change, Dr. Gary Roemer (New Mexico State University)
- Jan. 2013: Building Resilience in Water Governance, Melinda Harm Benson (University of New Mexico)
- Nov. 2012: Designing Resilient Native Communities, Alice Loy (Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship)
- Oct. 2012: Water, Energy, and Culture in the San Juan Basin, Tony Atkin (UNM) & Geraldine Forbes Isais (UNM)
- Oct. 2012: How will Springflow Processes Respond to the Effects of Climate Change?, Marty D. Frisbee (New Mexico Tech)
- Sept. 2012: New Mexico Informal Science Network, Charles Walter (NM Museum of Natural History & Science)
- Feb. 2012: Climate Change, Agriculture, and Water Policy, Denise Fort (UNM Law)
- Feb. 2012: Designing an Online Professional Development Network for Project GUTS, Irene Lee (SFI)
- Feb. 2012: Connecting Communities: Engaging stakeholders in research, Caiti Steele (NMSU)
- Nov. 2011: Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Semi-Arid Ecosystems, Marie-Anne de Graaff (Boise State University)
- June 2011: Using Climate Data in the Classroom
- Feb. 2011: IWG Summary: Indicators of Ecological Thresholds, Dr. Robert Heinse (University of Idaho)
- Feb. 2011: CyberEnabled Science IWG Summary Report, Karl Benedict (University of New Mexico)
- Oct. 2010: Applications of Distributed Temperature Sensing for Climate Change Research, Jevon Harding (NMT)
- Sept. 2010: Western Tri-State Diversity Innovation Working Group Meeting Report, Mary Jo Daniel, (New Mexico EPSCoR)
- August 2010: The New Mexico STEM Higher Education Diversity Network
- May 2010: Identifying the Most Relevant Spatial and Temporal Scales of Climate Change with Respect to Surface Hydrologic Processes, Amanda White (NMT)
- March 2010: Paleo-rainfall and Groundwater Recharge in Southern Nevada over the Past 11000 Years from Cave Calcite Deposits, Matthew Lachniet (UNLV)
- Oct. 2009: The effects of climate change on ecosystems and societies: A Focus on Native American and Hispanic communities, Karletta Chief (DRI)
- Sept. 2009: Natural and Human Dynamics of Acequia Systems, Sam Fernald (NMSU)