NM EPSCoR's outreach and communication agenda seeks to develop a citizenry informed about climate change and its impacts on the state of New Mexico. The programs were designed to reach a large and diverse population in both urban and rural areas and to hopefully serve as a national model.
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New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science | Fast Forward New Mexico | New Mexico Town Hall on Fire & Water

New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science
New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science (NMMNHS) will be the lead partner for Public Outreach and Communication. Uniquely positioned as the state's science museum, NMMNHS has 230,000 annual visitors to its Albuquerque facility and serves an additional 40,000 people through programs, both on-site and through outreach. NMMNHS also has capacity in communicating climate change issues to a public audience.
New Mexico EPSCoR, as part of the partnership with NMMNHS, is now working with the Sandia Mountain Natural History Center to educate students around the state about climate change and New Mexico ecosystems.
Click here for more information on the NM Museum of Natural History and Science and its
partnership with NM EPSCoR, including outreach events, the Sandia Mountain Natural History Center,
and the Degrees of Change: New Mexico's Climate Forecast exhibit.
Fast Forward New Mexico

Through Track 2 funding and using C2 partner schools, NM EPSCoR provides funding for computer training in three communities - Silver City, Crownpoint, and Espanola - for Fast Forward New Mexico. The mission of Fast Forward New Mexico is to increase statewide broadband adoption and promote computer literacy and Internet use in rural, Hispanic, and Native American populations in order to better prepare the state’s citizens to participate in economic development and educational opportunities. The initiative will also reach out to small businesses and entrepreneurs.
For more information on Fast Forward New Mexico and their upcoming training opportunities, visit the NM EPSCoR Fast Forward New Mexico page.
New Mexico Town Hall on Fire and Water

Facilitated by New Mexico First in a partnership with New Mexico EPSCoR, the New Mexico Town Hall on Fire and Water brought participants from all over the state to work together to create real recommendations for fire prevention, education, and legislation. The Town Hall took place June 5-6, 2012 at the Hyatt in Downtown Albuquerque.
The event brought in 90 participants, plus
several more observers, primarily from
northern and central regions of New Mexico.
Scientists, journalists, researchers, educators,
environmentalists, public & government
officials, students, and business people from
urban, rural, and tribal communities worked
together to discuss the problems New Mexico
faces with regards to drought,
water, and
forest fires. NM EPSCoR is inviting anyone with an interest in fire
prevention, education and legislation to join the Implementation Team.
Click here for more information about the Town Hall and organizer New Mexico First,
including downloads of the reports, pictures, and information about the Implementation Team.